America’s Opioid crisis

By January 31, 2019 Recent News

Radio NZ News 30 January 2019
Family First Comment: And they think they can ‘regulate’ the marijuana industry!
Not when Big Marijuana sees the dollars.

When two pharmacies in a tiny town of less than 3 thousand people fill prescriptions for more than 21 million opiod pills, you’d think red flags would go up somewhere. But for nearly two long decades, and after  the deaths of tens of thousands of people, dodgy doctors continued to write scripts while regulators, lawmakers and medical professionals were either frozen with inertia or worse, looked the other way.

Chris McGreal is a senior journalist at The Guardian. He identifies the problems with corporate interest, and the  American medical, political and financial systems that allowed the worst drug epidemic in American history to happen. His book is called American Overdose: the Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts.


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