SayNopeToDope is a project of a group of organisations and individuals in New Zealand opposing the legalisation of recreational cannabis in NZ. This website was setup to inform Kiwis and help them vote NO in the 2020 New Zealand cannabis referendum. We succeeded in that mission – getting New Zealand to vote NO to cannabis legalisation. Thank you for your support. However the fight to prevent drug legalisation continues, so this website remains active with latest news and research.
Say Nope To Dope
Please scroll this website to stay informed with the latest news and research on cannabis and drug issues in New Zealand.
Latest News
Cannabis Poll
In a shock poll result, less than 20% (one in five) New Zealanders support legalisation of marijuana, but there is strong support for lifting restrictions for medical use (65%), according to an independent poll of 1,000 people by Curia Market Research. 7% support the law as it stands. There is also significant concerns about the mental health and societal costs of cannabis.
“This poll removes the smokescreen and confusion that drug advocates have created with the mixing of terms ‘medicinal’, ‘decriminalise’ and ‘legalise’. It is clear that Kiwis strongly support a compassionate response to those in real need with a cautious and researched approach around cannabis medicine, but when they thoughtfully consider the real implications of legalising recreational use, they completely reject the proposal – and rightly so,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.
Read the full poll results here.
20 Reasons to Vote NO in 2020
Here’s 20 great reasons why you should tick the NO box in the upcoming referendum on legalising cannabis for recreational use. Vote for health, safety, wellbeing of our young people and families. Vote NO.
We’re Speaking Up In The Public Debate
It’s time that some of the myths and sound bites pushed by pro-drug groups are challenged with the facts and credible research. Read our Media Releases which have the common theme of opposing any attempt to legalise marijuana in NZ.
Download the Fact Sheets
Read the various Briefing Sheets so that you can campaign with us against any attempts to legalise marijuana (and ultimately other drugs, according to pro-marijuana groups) in New Zealand.