Radio NZ News 14 September 2019
Family First Comment: And the truth is starting to finally come out – and remember that Big Marijuana loves vaping….
“Although research funded by electronic cigarette manufacturers and the tobacco industry had found no harmful effects, independent studies had consistently found harmful health effects, he said… While some agencies had said e-cigarettes were 95 percent safer than normal cigarettes, Prof McKee said this figure had “no credibility whatsoever”. The World Health Organisation had “extreme concerns” about e-cigarettes, as did many other health organisations around the world.”
E-cigarette flavours “are particularly hazardous” so limiting their sale in New Zealand is an important step, a European public health expert says.
Professor Martin McKee’s comments on RNZ’s Saturday Morning come after six deaths in the United States were linked with respiratory and lung conditions caused by vaping. The US government is planning to ban the sale of flavoured electronic cigarettes.
The New Zealand government is considering banning all flavours of vaping liquids except tobacco, menthol and mint to reduce the appeal of e-cigarettes to young people.
“If New Zealand is going to limit the flavourings that would be an important step,” Prof McKee said.
“The flavourings are particularly hazardous.
“Other people have used the word ‘reckless’ to describe the promotion of these products until we have a much better understanding of their safety profile.”
Prof McKee said using electronic cigarettes caused disruption of the lining of arteries and this could be associated with increased risks of heart disease, blood clots and strokes.
READ MORE: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/398790/vaping-is-a-real-danger-and-needs-regulation