Fox News 19 September 2019
Family First Comment: Calls to poison control centers about small children getting a hold of marijuana-infused sweets like chocolates, gummies, and brownies have increased sharply in states where recreational use of the drug has been legalised.
Calls to poison control centers about small children getting a hold of marijuana-infused sweets like chocolates, gummies, and brownies have increased sharply in states where recreational use of the drug has been legalized.
At Massachusetts’ Regional Poison Control Center, the number of calls about children 5 and younger eating edible doses of THC has tripled since the first weed shops opened in November.
“Three-year-olds, 4-year-olds find them and they don’t know they’re infused with marijuana,” said Adina Sheroff, a registered nurse at Boston Children’s Hospital who has answered calls at the poison center for 26 years. “They end up getting very ill.”
Sheroff has been on the other end of these calls countless times, coaching frantic callers through what to do. For kids, such high doses of THC, the psychotropic component in marijuana, usually requires a trip to the emergency room, she said.
At the hospital, the kids’ vitals are monitored closely until the high eventually wears off.
“Some of these kids end up being watched in the intensive care unit overnight because we’re so worried about them,” said Dr. Kavita Babu, the director of toxicology at the University of Massachusetts medical school.
READ MORE: https://www.foxnews.com/health/children-marijuana-infused-brownies-gummies-in-legal-states