NZ Herald 19 December 2019
Family First Comment: Expect more of this if we legalise.
“Six of the centre’s nine staff failed drug tests after a staff member was questioned for his bloodshot and “very red” eyes, and “very fidgity” and “unusually quiet” behaviour. “We were advised by your advocate that what you do in your own time is none of our business. You’re not acknowledging the result as being extremely concerning considering the environment in which you work.””
Two-thirds of teachers at a Bay of Plenty childcare centre had traces of cannabis in their system while at work – with one turning up with bloodshot and “very red” eyes.
Six of nine teachers working at Rotorua’s Te Puna Manawa o Whakaue were found to have THC in their system – some 64 times the cut-off.
The September 4 discovery resulted in the voluntary closure of the Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust-governed centre on September 6.
Five of the teachers had resigned and one was fired by September 25. The Ministry of Education suspended the centre’s licence on October 9.
The Teaching Council confirmed there was an ongoing investigation “into a matter relating” to the incident.
Documents obtained by the Rotorua Daily Post under the Official Information Act outline the tests results and actions taken during and after the day of the incident.
Six of the centre’s nine staff failed drug tests after a staff member was questioned for his bloodshot and “very red” eyes, and “very fidgity” and “unusually quiet” behaviour on the morning of September 4.
READ MORE: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12292473 (behind paywall)