Office of National Drug Control Policy (USA) 3 February 2020
Family First Comment: 3 superb goals:
* preventing initiates to drug use,
* providing treatment services leading to long-term recovery for those suffering from addiction,
* aggressively reducing availability of illicit drugs in communities
Contrast that with the liberalisation and ‘soft’ approach to drugs by our government ☹
Today, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Director Jim Carroll released the Trump Administration’s National Drug Control Strategy, which establishes the President’s priorities for addressing the challenge of drug trafficking and use.
“The 2020 National Drug Control Strategy maintains focus on President Trump’s overarching goal from day one – reducing the number of Americans dying from drug overdoses. While the Trump Administration has made significant progress in preventing substance misuse before it starts, getting more people into treatment and long-term recovery, and curbing the flow of deadly drugs into our communities, now is not the time to rest on this success,” ONDCP Director Jim Carroll said.
“Rather, we must build on our momentum and accelerate our efforts to strengthen communities and families across America. Through our continued whole-of-government approach, this Strategy lays the groundwork to continue reversing the pattern of addiction in our country.”
Accompanying the National Drug Control Strategy is the release of the Performance Reporting System, the Data Supplement, and the first ever National Treatment Plan for Substance Use Disorder.