As the government pushes a soft line on drugs, including a referendum to legalise cannabis, our young people will be receiving conflicting messages about the safety of drugs, and that drug use is ‘normal’ and not that harmful.
And as parents, you may be unsure how to tackle this during the family discussions that are sure to arise at the dinner table. The pro-cannabis lobby are working hard to ensure that you are not made fully aware of just what the marijuana industry could and would do in New Zealand if they were given the welcome mat.
So we’ve found two great resources – a resource for parents, and a resource you can give to your son or daughter. They have been published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. So – way more reliable than the Drug Foundation and Helen Clark’s propaganda.
Download them for free by simply clicking on the images below.
You’ll be able to start the discussion on this important issue – armed with the facts!
Topics covered include:
* how can I prevent my child from using marijuana?
* basic facts about the potential harms of marijuana use on the brain, body and behaviour
* how important is marijuana potency?
* tips for parents for starting the conversation
For your teen, there’s great information and discussion on addiction, driving, school, mental illness, and other important questions around the effects, whether vaping is safer, does it lead to other drugs, etc.
Download the resource today.
There’s also more educational resources, more important stories, and more great international and local experts on this issue coming from us over the next months.
Check out our official website – www.SayNopeToDope.nz