Stuff co.nz 17 May 2020
Family First Comment: “Indications are it is highly likely he will have significant brain damage with associated effects on his sight, hearing and physical development,” court documents state. “Smoking cannabis was a regular factor in Jacob losing control and letting anger and frustration take over, according to the pre-sentence report“
Why would we legalise and normalise drugs?
#saynopetodope #VoteNO
Frustrated his seven-week-old twin baby would not take a bottle, Jorhde Alex Te-Pere Jacob repeatedly rammed it into the infant’s mouth.
He then gripped the baby’s face tightly, attempting to burp him. His actions left the baby with bleeding on the brain and paediatricians say the baby’s long term injuries may not be known for years.
Jacob, 23, was sentenced to three years in jail after pleading guilty to one count of causing grievous bodily harm with reckless disregard and a second of wounding with reckless disregard.
According to the summary of facts, obtained from the court, the baby’s injuries were sustained at the Hamilton home Jacobs shared with his now former partner, and their twin sons, on June 13, 2019.
Jacob had been working night shift, and later admitted to being under the influence of cannabis, when the abuse occurred during a 10am feeding session in which he became increasingly frustrated at the baby’s lack of interest in taking the bottle.
Smoking cannabis was a regular factor in Jacob losing control and letting anger and frustration take over, according to the pre-sentence report.
READ MORE: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/120345591/father-jailed-after-ramming-bottle-into-babys-mouth-causing-head-injuries