NewsTalk ZB 31 July 2020
Our additional comment: Drug Detection Agency chief executive Kirk Hardy told Mike Hosking it’s difficult to determine the limits of impairment, given some drugs can stay in the human body for several weeks. “If you look at the NZ Drug Foundation’s website on driving while high, they say that even people who use cannabis regularly are likely to be impede.”
It seems a new bill which aims to prevent drug-driving still has some hurdles to overcome.
Introduced into Parliament yesterday, the law would allow Police to conduct saliva-tests on drivers, for drugs such as cannabis, P, cocaine and MDMA.
Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter says under the bill, there would be consequences for anyone caught driving while under the influence.
She says if a person returns two positive saliva-test’s they will get an immediate infringement fine, demerit points and be unable to drive for 12 hours.
Drug Detection Agency chief executive Kirk Hardy told Mike Hosking it’s difficult to determine the limits of impairment, given some drugs can stay in the human body for several weeks.
“If you look at the NZ Drug Foundation’s website on driving while high, they say that even people who use cannabis regularly are likely to be impede.”