Stuff co.nz 17 September 2020
Our additional comment: “Labour List MP Jo Luxton says she will not support the cannabis referendum due to her own personal experience in a relationship with someone who abused the drug.”
Labour List MP Jo Luxton says she will not support the cannabis referendum due to her own personal experience in a relationship with someone who abused the drug.
Speaking to about 40 people at a meet the candidates event, hosted by Grey Power at the Timaru Town and Country Club on Wednesday, Luxton, who is running for the Rangitata seat, said she would not vote in support of the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill referendum.
“My own personal experience of being with someone in a relationship who abused cannabis is my reason for not voting in favour,” Luxton said.
“I do hear the arguments about taking it out of the hands of gangs and the like, but I do think my own personal experience was pretty tough, so I do think that swayed my vote.”
New Conservative Party member Lachie Ashton was the only other candidate to address the crowd, at the organisation’s second such event in the lead up to this year’s General Election. The first event on August 19 included appearances from candidates for ACT (Hamish Hutton), National (Megan Hands), Social Credit (Brannon Favel), Greens (Gerrie Ligtenberg) and the Outdoors Party (Grant Kelynack).
Speaking on the referendum, one of two which voters will be asked to vote on come October 17, Ashton said he was also against the bill.
READ MORE: https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/122785414/labour-mp-jo-luxton-against-cannabis-legalisation