News4Jax 22 September 2020
Family First Comment: “Poison Control takes emergency calls every day and more of them from people — or parents of teens — who have eaten one of the fake candies. Workers there told News4Jax such calls have tripled. On Monday, a woman told News4Jax her daughter was given gummies not knowing they were laced with a drug. The girl ended up in a hospital within hours.” (‘Medicinal’ mariuana edibles are legal in Florida 🙁 )
The Florida Poison Information Center in Jacksonville has a warning for parents: The number of people poisoned by fake marijuana edibles and candies has tripled and experts say there is little you can do to identify the real thing from the imitation.
There are legal, legitimate marijuana edibles from licensed dispensaries, then there are fakes sold on the street. Experts say if you don’t know the source, there’s little you can do to tell them apart.
Poison Control takes emergency calls every day and more of them from people — or parents of teens — who have eaten one of the fake candies. Workers there told News4Jax such calls have tripled.
On Monday, a woman told News4Jax her daughter was given gummies not knowing they were laced with a drug. The girl ended up in a hospital within hours.
The doctors told the family it was possibly synthetic THC in the gummy candy. THC a common component in marijuana, but there is also fake or synthetic THC.
“You never really know what you’re getting with a gummy or a cookie,” said Anthony DeGelorum, a clinical toxicology fellow at Poison Control.
Nurses and doctors at the center get calls about everything from snake bites to alcohol poisoning to edible marijuana poisioning.
READ MORE: https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2020/09/22/calls-about-poisonings-from-fake-marijuana-edibles-candy-triple/
Mother says daughter was given drug-laced candy & ended up in hospital
News4Jax 22 September 2020
A mother is speaking out after she says candy laced with a drug put her daughter in the hospital.
According to the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, investigators discovered that a teenager gave the candy to the 10th grade student. An arrest had not been announced as of Monday.
The incident was reported at Bartram Trail High School.
Beth Richards said she was in the ambulance as her daughter, Autumn, was rushed to the hospital. She wasn’t sure what was happening to her.
Doctors told Richards it was a synthetic THC. THC is a chemical component in marijuana.
The Sheriff’s Office said it was reported Thursday and that deputies sent the gummies to be tested at a lab.
READ MORE: https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2020/09/21/mother-says-daughter-was-given-thc-candy-ended-up-in-hospital/