TVNZ One News 26 September 2020
Our additional comment: Only 35% said they supported the bill, a drop from 40% at June’s poll, 39% in February’s poll and 43% in November, 2019’s poll. The amount of people who did not support the bill has risen to 53% – up from 49% in June and 51% in February.
Only 35% said they supported the bill, a drop from 40% at June’s poll, 39% in February’s poll and 43% in November, 2019’s poll.
The amount of people who did not support the bill has risen to 53% – up from 49% in June and 51% in February.
Eleven per cent either did not know or refused to answer.
The groups of people who were more likely than average to support the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill were Green and Labour Party supporters, people aged 18-29 and Māori.
Those who were more likely not to support the bill were people aged 50 and over and National Party supporters.
READ MORE: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/1-news-colmar-brunton-poll-support-cannabis-legalisation-dropping-end-life-choice-remains-steady-v1