Stuff co.nz 20 October 2020
Our additional comment: “Cannabidiol (CBD oil) is already as easy to buy online as clothes.”
So we don’t need to legalise cannabis for medicinal then eh
Kiwis who don’t want to wait for the results of the cannabis referendum say cannabidiol (CBD oil) is already as easy to buy online as clothes.
Since January 2019, 40.2 litres of CBD oil has been stopped and seized by Customs at the border across 5918 separate packages.
But an Auckland man who gets “regular shipments” through the post from the United States claims that’s “a drop in the ocean” compared to what has been making it through.
Some companies are getting their CBD through Customs by declaring the oil as a “dietary supplement”, or as food colouring, he said.
A former professional athlete said he had been importing “small amounts” of CBD oil to aid in his recovery from injuries since late 2018.
“I went in pretty sceptical at first but it’s done wonders for both my sleep and inflammation, and now it’s as easy as ordering clothes online,” he said.
READ MORE: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/cannabis-referendum/300136179/cannabis-referendum-cbd-oil-as-easy-to-buy-online-as-clothes-customer-says