New research is finding increased connection between cannabis and suicide. Not only are cannabis users more at risk of developing serious mental health conditions that could lead to suicide, they’re also more likely to use cannabis in suicide attempts.
The connection between cannabis and suicide attempts is growing, according to researchers at Washington State University. And although there is more to learn, it has experts concerned.
The acceptance and use of cannabis in society is certainly increasing. In both Oregon, Washington and other states recreational marijuana is sold in a variety of forms. Data shows that at the same time, accidental cannabis poisonings have increased.
“And that means that for whatever reason someone intended to commit suicide with cannabis on board,” said WSU Professor Tracy Klein.
One of several researchers involved in the study, Klein is quick to note that the vast majority of the suicide attempts, more than 92%, involved other substances in addition to cannabis. And the data cannot show a direct causal link between cannabis and suicide attempts.
That said, based on analysis of data from U.S. Poison centers, researchers found suspected suicidal cannabis exposures have increased 17% annually, over a period of 12 years.
And Klein said that is troubling, especially looking at the results for certain groups the past few years.
The researcher said another issue raised by their research is the cannabis self-medication factor for those with mental health conditions, that may already make them more prone to considering ending their lives.
“So we are very concerned about patients with depression or anxiety who are also using cannabis, perhaps with little direction, and are either not talking to their healthcare professional about it or their healthcare professional is not asking.”
Although the findings of the study don’t draw absolute conclusions, it does show there is more to consider and safeguard, in a world increasingly open to cannabis.
Read full story in KGW8: kgw.com/wsu-study-cannabis-connection-suicide-attempts
Read the research study: jamanetwork.com/fullarticle/2803952