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Drugged driver who killed Levin cyclist Peter Jenkins sentenced

NZ Herald 8 May 2020
Family First Comment: Sadly, these tragedies will increase if we legalise cannabis. Just look overseas…
“Kinita’s vehicle was seen swerving within the lane shortly before the crash. Witnesses said she made no attempt to brake before colliding with him, flinging him into the air. She had smoked both cannabis and methamphetamine the day before.”
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A drugged driver who killed a cyclist nine years after her own son was killed by a drunk driver has been sent to prison.

Cathryn Kinita appeared in the Palmerston North District Court this afternoon, having earlier pleaded guilty to causing Levin man Peter Jenkins’ death by driving under the influence of drugs.

She has also admitted possessing cannabis, methamphetamine and drug utensils.

Jenkins, 54, was out for a regular Sunday training ride when he was hit by a van being driven by Kinita on State Highway 1 at Manakau, north of Otaki, in November.

Jenkins’ father John told the Herald his son has been riding a bike for as long as he could remember and he’d grown up to love cycling with an insatiable passion.

Government Buying A Yes Vote in Cannabis Debate?

Media Release 10 May 2020
The SayNopeToDope Campaign says that if the NZ Drug Foundation is receiving further significant funding from the Government, on top of what they already receive, they should not be the lead organisation promoting a Yes vote in the cannabis referendum.

“This will be a direct conflict of interest when the Drug Foundation are promoting the legalisation of cannabis – as well as the decriminalisation of all other drugs including meth, cocaine and heroin – and the taxpayer is having to fund them at the same time,” says a spokesperson for the SayNopeToDope campaign.

“It will open up the Government to accusations of ‘buying’ a yes vote and a change of law.”

“In a strong democracy, lobbyists and lawmakers should be at arm’s length – especially with a major vote on an issue about to happen.”

“Either the Drug Foundation takes government funding and removes itself from leading one side of the debate, or it rejects the funding and focuses on lobbying for the liberalisation of drug laws.”

“But it can’t do both.”

New UC study finds heavy cannabis use affects human genome

University of Canterbury 6 May 2020
Family First Comment: New Zealand 🇳🇿 based research…

“there is already strong evidence that chronic, heavy use of cannabis can increase the risk of mental health issues such as depression and schizophrenia. It is also associated with heart disease. This study shows how cannabis use is linked to changes in gene pathways that may explain the link between heavy cannabis use and those adverse health outcomes.”

Heavy cannabis use has an impact on human DNA but the effect is stronger in people who smoke tobacco as well, according to new University of Canterbury (UC) research.

The study, recently published in Translational Psychiatry, investigates how heavy cannabis use can lead to alterations in “DNA methylation” – chemical changes in the body that influence how our genes work.

UC College of Science lecturer Dr Amy Osborne, lead author of the UC study, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Otago Christchurch, University of Otago, and ESR, says there is already strong evidence that chronic, heavy use of cannabis can increase the risk of mental health issues such as depression and schizophrenia. It is also associated with heart disease.

“This study shows how cannabis use is linked to changes in gene pathways that may explain the link between heavy cannabis use and those adverse health outcomes,” she says. “However, in terms of the effect on the genome and DNA methylation, cannabis appears to have a distinct and somewhat more subtle effect than tobacco. It’s not altering gene pathways to the same extent, but it does affect them in very specific ways.”

The 48 subjects in the new research – all heavy cannabis users – were members of the Christchurch Health and Development longitudinal study. Blood samples were taken when they were aged 28 and analysed for DNA methylation differences between cannabis users and non-users.

The biggest changes were in those who smoked tobacco as well as cannabis, but there was also evidence of distinct and specific DNA alterations in those who smoked only cannabis, compared to non-users.

The most affected genes were identified as those involved in brain and heart function.
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Better to decriminalise cannabis rather than legalise it – bill opponents – Lynne Bower and Deborah Stevens 6 May 2020
Family First Comment: Boom! Superb commentary – which asks the right questions:
“Setting aside the obvious question of why are we legalising and making readily available a product that is associated with a number of “harms to individuals, families/whānau and communities”, we need to carefully consider whether legalisation will enable any of the bold claims that are made in regards to promoting the wellbeing of New Zealanders. Firstly, legalisation is not necessary for “raising awareness of the health risks associated with cannabis use” — we can do this without legalisation. Further, there is nothing in the bill that says how “access to health and social services, and other kinds of support for families/whānau” will be improved. Further still, we need only look to other jurisdictions that have legalised cannabis for recreational use to see that eliminating the illegal supply of cannabis, restricting young people’s access to cannabis, and making sure the response to any breach of the law is fair, are unlikely to happen.

Setting aside the obvious question of why are we legalising and making readily available a product that is associated with a number of “harms to individuals, families/whānau and communities”, we need to carefully consider whether legalisation will enable any of the bold claims that are made in regards to promoting the wellbeing of New Zealanders.

Firstly, legalisation is not necessary for “raising awareness of the health risks associated with cannabis use” — we can do this without legalisation.

Further, there is nothing in the bill that says how “access to health and social services, and other kinds of support for families/whānau” will be improved.

Further still, we need only look to other jurisdictions that have legalised cannabis for recreational use to see that eliminating the illegal supply of cannabis, restricting young people’s access to cannabis, and making sure the response to any breach of the law is fair, are unlikely to happen.

Evidence does not support the argument that the black market and its associated gang involvement will disappear with the legalisation of cannabis. In Canada and California, government-authorised sellers are unable to keep up with the newly created cannabis demand, and government prices are higher than those of the black market. The range of cannabis products available is also greater on the black market. Hence, the black market continues to find support and thrives.

Although the bill sets the legal age of cannabis use at 20 years, this will not guarantee the safety of younger people. Research has found a significant increase in adolescent cannabis-associated emergency department and urgent care visits following legalisation, with greater numbers of young people requiring treatment for acute medical or psychiatric symptoms following cannabis use.

Research from jurisdictions in the USA that have legalised recreational cannabis use also shows that responses to breaches of the law in regard to cannabis are not applied fairly. Minority groups and indigenous people remain disproportionately represented in cannabis-related arrests, contrary to what legalisation proponents suggest.

Alcohol and tobacco companies have invested heavily in the newly created cannabis industry overseas. Cannabis is set to be the next addiction-for-profit industry. Given the way in which corporations are already organising themselves for legal recreational cannabis use, we need to ask ourselves: “Who will really benefit from such legalisation?”

If we recognise that there are harms associated with cannabis — as we do — then legalisation is not the way to address those harms.  A better way forward may be to take the time to explore and publicly discuss the decriminalisation of cannabis, as opposed to its legalisation.

Decriminalisation would facilitate the separation of cannabis use from issues of social justice and health, and provide space in which the work of focusing on the wellbeing of New Zealanders can be better addressed. It will be wiser to vote “no” to the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill, and instead push for public discussion on the decriminalisation of cannabis.

— Dr Lynne Bowyer and Dr Deborah Stevens are co-directors of The New Zealand Centre for Science and Citizenship Trust.
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How many joints can be produced from home

The proposed law if NZ votes to legalise recreational cannabis use says:


So how many joints could be produced from home?

Obviously these numbers are very general because grow techniques vary, but conservatively one marijuana plant in a hydroponic indoor set-up could produce a harvest about every 110 days and from that harvest the grower would get between 198 grams and 311 grams of buds (Median 254.5grams) and also about 198 grams to 311 grams of leaf (Median 254.5grams).  In NZ the buds are desired for smoking because they have the highest amount of THC and the leaf is also smoked.  However now in the U.S with legal states whether medicinal or recreational Leaf is now most commonly used by individuals to make concentrated THC by way of Butane Hash Oil (extremely high potency THC), which is also on a side note causing a lot of explosions and fires in the U.S.

Therefore annually one plant could be producing a median of 1,527 grams smokable product per annum.

We estimate that the mean weight of marijuana in a joint is 0.32 g (95% Bayesian posterior interval: 0.30–0.35).

So even if you were generous and said that .5 grams per joint then essentially one plant would yield as a Median 3,054 smoking joints per annum equivalent to 8.36 joints per day.

 NZ legislation is proposing up to 4 plants can be home-grown

4 plants the median would be 12,216 smoking joints per year – equivalent to 33.46 joints per day over the year of the psychoactive substance THC.

And they call it “control”. Go figure!

Melbourne man in drug-induced psychotic state smothers, fatally strangles girlfriend

TVNZ One News 4 May 2020
Family First Comment: “Shea Sturt attacked his girlfriend with scissors and smothered her with a pillow before strangling the brain surgery survivor with tracksuit pants to make sure she was dead. He had a long history of violence towards his girlfriend before killing her amid a CANNABIS-INDUCED psychotic state, the Supreme Court of Victoria was told.”

But hey – dope just makes you sleepy eh.

Shea Sturt attacked his girlfriend with scissors and smothered her with a pillow before strangling the brain surgery survivor with tracksuit pants to make sure she was dead.

The 33-year-old was in a drug-induced psychotic state when he killed 31-year-old Caitlin O’Brien at their Melbourne home in June 2019.

About a month before she died, the nurse had a brain tumour removed.

But Ms O’Brien lived in fear of her violent and increasingly erratic boyfriend.

She called police two days before the murder, when Sturt began having delusions he was Jesus.

He also forced Ms O’Brien to eat an apple so she could be like Eve and be enlightened.

Sturt was taken to hospital but released that night.


How much legal cannabis could raise in tax revenue – and why it might fail

NewsHub 1 May 2020
Family First Comment: So how good has alcohol and tobacco done at covering the significant health and societal costs? Terrible!!! It’s been a fiscal disaster.
The article also says…
“….but only if it’s good enough to wipe out the black market.”
As we already know, no place that has legalised has achieved that. Just 29% of Canadian cannabis users buy all of their product from a legal source. California’s projected marijuana tax revenue by July 2019 is nearly half of what was originally expected when the state began retail sales in 2018, since most consumers continue to purchase marijuana from the black market in order to avoid high taxes.
Just another smokescreen from the Drug Foundation’s friends.
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A new report shows a legalised cannabis market could raise $490 million in taxes each year – but only if it’s good enough to wipe out the black market.

And with the Government hoping to design it in a way that discourages use over time, the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) fears it might not be.

It’s released a new report into how the proposed legal cannabis system proposed by the Government might work. The findings are based on a similar report the group did a few years ago, but updated with new evidence collected from places where it’s been legalised recently, such as Canada and parts of the United States.

“The evidence from America is you can wipe out the black market if you have an open, regulated regime that allows customers to get access to the product they want and allows low-cost production,” principal economist Peter Wilson told Newshub.

“But the Government seems to be saying it doesn’t want that to happen – it doesn’t want a commercial market. It wants to see use reduced through time.”

The Government’s proposed scheme would see cannabis tightly restricted, with limits on potency and amounts any individual can possess at any one time. It would also be taxed – NZIER saying this could bring in $490 million.

“That is dependent on the legal market taking over from the illegal market, and we think the Government’s got to do a bit more work to do to make sure that happens. We hope there will be some more consultation and discussion before the legislation is passed.”

The fear is if the legal regime is too expensive or difficult to access, users will simply keep turn back to the black market.

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Cannabis referendum: Drug Foundation calls for lower THC limit under proposed cannabis regime

NewsHub 3 May 2020 
The NZ Drug Foundation has flagged some concern about the suggested THC limit for recreational cannabis under the proposed legal framework.

The Government has released the final legislation on which New Zealanders will vote in this year’s planned referendum.

Under the proposed regime, authorities could restrict dried cannabis to contain no more than 15 percent THC – the main psychoactive ingredient.

The foundation’s director Ross Bell said that seems too much.

“The work that I’ve seen done by ESR shows that generally New Zealand cannabis on the black market is about 6 to 8 percent, which I think is a more reasonable number.”

Bell said the Government may want to consider dropping that potency limit.

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NEW RESOURCE: 20 Reasons to Vote NO to Cannabis

Media Release 4 May 2020
As the debate on legalising cannabis for recreational use heats up, a new resource presents 20 reasons for New Zealanders to vote no in the upcoming referendum.

20 Reasons to Vote NO in 2020” include:
* potency – today’s marijuana is a different, harder drug
* dope is addictive and harmful – It wrecks lives
* laws work – the illegal status deters people from using
* legalising cannabis while promoting health is hypocritical
* driving stoned will put everyone at risk
* promises of a tax windfall are grossly overstated
* workplace dope use will put everyone at risk
* legalisation of marijuana is just the start
and many more.

The information is available as a 4-page pamphlet for free download. DOWNLOAD HERE. This resource will be distributed widely throughout the country.

“The Government is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of families with the use of the word ‘control’ in the Referendum question, but the overseas experience in every jurisdiction that has gone down this track proves that it will be a public health and safety disaster – just as it was when Big Tobacco was allowed in,” says a spokesperson for the SayNopeToDope campaign.

“The use of cannabis is associated with increased risks of a number of adverse outcomes including educational delay, welfare dependence, increased risks of psychotic symptoms, major depression, increased risks of motor vehicle accidents, increased risks of tobacco use, increased risks of other illicit drug use, and respiratory impairment.”

“At a time when New Zealand’s mental health system is bursting at the seams, why would we go and legitimise a mind-altering product which will simply add to social harm?”

A detailed analysis of the “Cannabis Legalisation And Control Bill” has also been published.

Making hash cookies at home could soon be allowed as finalised recreational cannabis legislation revealed

NewsHub 1 May 2020
You could soon be able to produce cannabis-infused products without a license at home as long as you do not use dangerous methods, if Kiwis vote to pass the recreational cannabis legislation.

But it is important to remember that even if Kiwis vote to pass the legislation, that does not mean it will become law. After the election, the incoming Government can introduce a Bill to Parliament that would legalise it.

A ban will be put in place on importing cannabis – only licensed businesses will be able to import the seeds. The Government also aims to separate business that can grow cannabis and produce products from those that sell it.

At the same time, the Government wants to reduce people’s dependency on cannabis by investing in addiction services, with a focus on lowering the use amongst young people by increasing the age of first use.

Govt reveals final cannabis legislation to be voted on in referendum
TVNZ One News 1 May 2020
Even if New Zealanders vote to legalise cannabis in this year’s planned referendum, they will not be allowed to purchase edible products right away.

The final legislation – to be considered by the public – has been published this morning and outlines a phased approach to making the drug legal.

Govt reveals final cannabis legislation to be voted on in referendum
Radio NZ News 1 May 2020
The final legislation – to be considered by the public – has been published this morning and outlines a phased approach to making the drug legal.

Only fresh and dried cannabis, including plants and seeds, would be immediately approved for production and sale under the new regime.

Reeferendum: Proposed big fines for cannabis corporates, ‘help not handcuffs’ for young cannabis users
NZ Herald 1 May 2020
A national cap on the amount of cannabis that can be grown and heavy fines, including jail time, for unlawful sale or supply are key features of the proposed framework for legalising cannabis for personal use.

But fines for underage (younger than 20) possession are comparatively light, and could even be waived if the young offender agreed to a drug treatment or education programme.

“We don’t want to criminalise a younger offender, but we do want to criminalise those seeking to exploit or take advantage of young people,” Justice Minister Andrew Little told the Herald.

Government reveals cannabis referendum legalisation details
Stuff 1 May 2020
Proposed cannabis legalisation will ban items designed to appeal to young people, set a four-year prison term for selling to under 20-year-olds and allow cannabis ‘coffee shops’ to open.

On Friday, the Government released details of the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill, which will be voted on in one of two referendums at this year’s general election.

It was released in draft form in December last year.

Regulating how cannabis is produced and supplied would be done by limiting the total amount of licensed cannabis for sale, controlling the potency and contents of licensed cannabis and cannabis products and applying an excise tax when a product is packaged and labelled for sale.

The tax would be based on weight and potency and a levy, similar to that applied to alcohol and gambling, would fund services to reduce cannabis harm.

There would be restrictions on the appearance of premises that would include rules against promoting the fact that cannabis is available for purchase inside.

A licensing system would also be set up for all cannabis-related businesses.

It would also regulate location and trading hours for premises where cannabis is sold or consumed, in consultation with local communities.

It bans people from importing cannabis and allows only licensed businesses to import cannabis seeds.

An assessment would apply to all licence applicants, directors, and people overseeing cannabis operations under an authorisation and police vetting would be included in the process.

Some less serious previous convictions will not, on their own, disqualify the person.

A cap would limit the amount of cannabis available for sale in the licensed market and no licence holder would be able to hold more than 20 per cent of the cap.

A cabinet paper reveals the bill did not address certain policy issues that have been deferred until after the referendum.

This included current laws under the Misuse of Drug Act and the interface with medical cannabis.

The Cabinet paper also states the law would face international legal issues and have foreign policy implications because New Zealand was currently bound by the United Nations Drug Conventions.

The law would be reviewed after five years of operating as a licensed regime.

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