It doesn’t stop at marijuana…
The real agenda is a global commodity market – drugs. All drugs. Creating a drug friendly culture.
“The best answer is to move slowly but firmly to dismantle the edifice of enforcement. Start with the possession and sale of cannabis and amphetamines, and experiment with different strategies. Move on to hard drugs, sold through licensed outlets.”
Ethan Nadelmann – Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) The Economist (July 26, 2001)
Even the Drug Foundation in New Zealand is calling for the decriminalisation of ALL drugs – including cocaine, heroin and P.
Andrew Little has already indicated that drug laws should be liberalised, and in October 2020, Helen Clark endorsed a UK report which calls for cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines to be “nationalised” and sold legally over-the-counter in government-run pharmacies!
Normalising the use of P!?
Information on the Drug Foundation’s own site and pamphlets which have been put in schools, includes the following statements:
Use soap and water or alcohol swabs to clean your hands before using. Use your own mouthpiece or pipe to reduce risk of infections.
- Mixing drugs is always risky because it is hard to predict how one drug will affect another in your system. See our Drug interactions section for more about the effects of mixing meth with other drugs.
- Take extra care to practice safe sex because meth may increase your sexual desire while decreasing your ability to make good judgements.
- You may be experiencing substance use disorder if you are… using more meth than you want to
(our emphasis added)
The material which parents objected to in schools says that
“most of the harm comes not from meth itself but from the stupid stuff people do, or don’t do, when they’re on meth.”
Drug Foundation applauds Massey High School for providing material on using meth ‘discreetly’ – NZ Herald, May 2018
Other disturbing statements include:
- You can’t sleep on meth; if you want to sleep later don’t use it after 3pm.
- Swallowing meth allows your body to use its own filters. It saves your lungs from damage, produces a smoother and longer lasting high, and you’re less likely to use more.
- If you plan to inject, always use a new needle and avoid sharing any equipment. There are needle exchanges throughout New Zealand.
- Meth is illegal. It’s also illegal to own a pipe. Be discreet and only keep less than 5 grams for personal use.
“Harm minimisation” is for users – not for schools and public notices.
READ: John Moir: School meth lessons do not reduce drug harm
“I have met a lot of meth addicted people and none of them intended to become addicted and wreck their lives and the lives of others. It just happened. And despite what some may say, the idea of being a “well” meth user is nonsense. Many have been misled by this falsehood and seriously harmed. Meth is illegal for a reason and anyone who advocates breaking the law in a purportedly safe way is guilty of encouraging criminal activity and causing harm.”
(John Moir has worked in prison and the community helping people overcome substance addictions. He has a postgraduate certificate in health sciences from the University of Auckland as well as a degree in psychology, a diploma in mental health and an advanced diploma in logotherapy.)
Drug Foundation’s Synthetic cannabis ‘guidelines‘:
- Sit down before you smoke a synnie
- Only use small amounts, and wait for the effects to wear off before using more.
- Use with someone who is not using. If someone is unconscious and unrousable, call an ambulance. If you choose not to call an ambulance, monitor breathing continuously even if their reaction appears typical.
The full agenda
There is one positive about the upcoming referendum negotiated between Labour and the Greens: it has revealed the ultimate agenda of drug advocates. The smokescreens of ‘medicinal cannabis’ or ‘decriminalisation’ no longer work. We now know the ultimate goal: legalisation of recreational dope. And, if we listen to drug advocates internationally, they will want legalisation of not just this drug but all drugs – cocaine, heroin, P.
“Personally, when I talk about legalisation, I mean three things: The first is to make drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin legal.”
Ethan Nadelmann – Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) widely regarded as the leading proponent of drug policy development both in the United States and abroad.
Don’t open the door to the normalisation and harm of drugs.
Denver has voted to decriminalise the use of magic mushrooms – the first US city to do so. Denver decriminalised cannabis in 2005 ahead of the rest of the state of Colorado.