NZ Herald 23 May 2019
Family First Comment: Mike Hosking nails it!
“Mobile phone use in cars is illegal, buying alcohol when drunk is illegal, domestic violence is illegal. Yet it all still happens. Using the justification for the cannabis vote, why don’t we throw our hands up and legalise it all… They promote legalising weed when they’re barely getting off ground with tests for those behind wheel. They labour under delusion that if they regulate, gangs will give up selling it. There is not one single, solid, positive argument for doing what they’re doing… This is an aspirational country, and it needs to be led by aspirational governments. There is nothing aspirational about encouraging drug use.”
#saynopetodope VoteNO.nz
Ever since the announcement that we are to vote on legalising cannabis, I have been looking for the logic.
A sign from any one of the major players this somehow makes sense.
I can’t find any.
I have asked.
I have asked the Prime Minister, I have asked Winston Peters, I have asked Julie Anne Genter.
Not one of them has produced a sensible logical answer as to why we are wandering down this path of inevitable social health and economic harm.
The only response seems to be, what we do now hasn’t worked.
READ MORE https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12233388 (behind paywall)