NZ Herald 18 September 2019
Family First Comment:”The dangers of driving after using cannabis are due to taking longer to respond to events, reduced ability to think clearly and to pay attention, and loss of coordination.” – Forensic toxicologist Dr Diana Kappatos
The driver who died in a crash and almost killed a pregnant woman and her toddler was under the influence of methamphetamine – and had caused a near identical crash at almost the same location while on drugs six weeks earlier.
Madeleine Nadine Higginson, 27, died instantly in a crash on Awhitu Rd on February 1 2017.
She had been to Waiuku that morning to pick up caramel slice and other treats for her new girlfriend, and was on her way home when she collided with another car.
The other driver – Desire Purnell who was pregnant – was badly injured and had to be cut from the vehicle.
Purnell’s1-year-old son was asleep in his car seat, and not injured.
Higginson was one of 88 people who died in 2017 in crashes where drugs were involved.
The same year 74 people were killed in drink driving crashes.
And in 2018 71 people were killed in drug crashes compared to 109 deaths in alcohol crashes.
READ MORE: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12268320 (behind paywall)