Muskoka Region 25 November 2019
Family First Comment: “Kehl was, at the time, a heavy cannabis user, consuming the then-illegal substance throughout the week and twice before the incident.”
The man accused of the brutal stabbing and beheading of his father at a Kahshe Lake cottage is sentenced to 5 years jail, less time served.
The court heard cannabis-induced psychosis, not a major mental disorder, spurred the brutal death of 67-year-old John Kehl by his then 31-year-old son Adam.
Adam Kehl voluntarily entered a plea of guilt to manslaughter in front of The Honourable Michelle Fuest in Barrie court on Nov. 22 who called the incident “horrifying and unusually brutal.”
Crown attorney Lyndsay Jeanes led the court through the weeks leading up to the horrific events of Aug. 11, 2018.
Adam had returned to Ontario from British Columbia to visit family and friends and was staying at the family’s Kahshe Lake cottage in the weeks before the murder. Throughout the week, at times, he exhibited agitated and aggressive behavior.
There were 14 people visiting on the weekend of the murder.
Kehl was, at the time, a heavy cannabis user, consuming the then-illegal substance throughout the week and twice before the incident.
READ MORE: https://www.muskokaregion.com/news-story/9735546-cannabis-induced-psychosis-blamed-in-beheading-of-father-at-muskoka-cottage/