Daily Mail 12 April 2020
Family First Comment: Even the experts are changing their minds after seeing the evidence..
“Previously the expert – a professor at the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London – had supported tightly controlled legalisation married with public education campaigns spelling out the risks, but growing evidence about the harm cannabis causes had made him change his mind about legalising the Class B drug. He said the experience of places that had decriminalised or legalised it – from Portugal and the Netherlands to swathes of North America – had made him think again.”
Legalising cannabis would result in soaring numbers of people suffering from schizophrenia-like psychosis, one of Britain’s top psychiatrists has warned.
Evidence now shows that when the drug is legalised, greater numbers smoke it more frequently and in stronger varieties.
These factors increase the incidence of cannabis-related psychosis, according to Professor Sir Robin Murray, an authority on the risks of the drug to mental health.
He predicted that ‘big cannabis’ firms with scant regard for people’s health will ‘seduce’ the Government into reforming the law – and the State will then find itself in thrall to the new industry because of the tax and jobs it provides.
The warning is a major intervention from Professor Murray, who told The Mail on Sunday growing evidence about the harm cannabis causes had made him change his mind about legalising the Class B drug.
Previously the expert – a professor at the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London – had supported tightly controlled legalisation married with public education campaigns spelling out the risks.
READ MORE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8211293/Legalising-cannabis-result-people-suffering-psychosis.html