E fa’atalofa atu i le tatou aiga Samoa potopoto.
A’o loma palota fa’alaua’itele o le Mariuana ua matou tapena ai ni tusitusiga e fa’amatala ma fa’amalamalama ia matāupu mo lou aiga, uō ma ē masani, fa’apea fo’i ma Fatafaitaulaga ‘ese’ese o le tatou nu’u.
O nei tusitusiga e lua, e leai se totogi mana’omia. E maua lau kopi i le ‘upega tafa’ilagi’ ua tusia i lalo.
20 filifiliga e tatau ai ona e palota ‘LEAI’ i le Mariuana!
Maua lau kopi mai le: WWW.SAYNOPETODOPE.ORG.NZ/translations/
To our Samoan supporters and friends:
Talofa. In preparation for the upcoming referendum on cannabis, we’ve prepared the perfect resource for your families, friends and church groups.
And they’re free! Download them today – and share.
“20 Reasons to Vote No to Cannabis”