NewsHub 31 October 2020
Our additional comment: “ It was never about eliminating cannabis though. No one who voted no thought it would go away. They were just not sure legalising something that was illegal was the answer. They say the voter is never wrong and maybe Swarbrick should have a little more respect for the no vote.”
OPINION: Just to start out I voted yes to legalising cannabis. It was very much a last-minute decision as I hadn’t made my mind up as I entered the polling booth.
I ticked yes as I guess subconsciously I thought it was better to legalise something many, many Kiwis use.
But I still remain unconvinced by the legalise cannabis arguments, led mainly by Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick, who gave an impassioned interview on the Newshub Nation on Saturday morning.
One of the key arguments of the legalise campaign and one Swarbrick reiterated on the programme was it will be easier to regulate cannabis if it is legal.
I am not convinced we can regulate cannabis properly when we clearly can’t regulate alcohol, despite thinking we can.
I don’t smoke dope, I don’t like it, it renders me into a comatose state that I don’t really enjoy. I do know a lot of people who do and I didn’t buy the supply argument that Swarbrick again alluded to on the Nation.
READ MORE: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2020/10/cannabis-referendum-despite-what-chloe-swarbrick-says-the-no-vote-was-never-about-eliminating-weed.html