Family First Comment: The most common way adolescents get marijuana is from friends (bought or shared). Not the black market.
But once they’re hooked, ‘then’ they’re more likely to use a stranger / drug dealer.
Anna C. Wagner and colleagues at the University of Minnesota analyzed data from the national Monitoring the Future survey to determine where 12th-grade students who used marijuana in the past year got it.
The top three methods for getting marijuana were:
• Given for free from friends
• Bought from friends
• Bought from a drug dealer/stranger
Sociodemographic and frequency-of-use differences emerged in their analysis. Male students, urban students and recent frequent users tended to buy marijuana from a drug dealer, while nonfrequent users were more likely to have friends who gave it to them for free.
The researchers say that knowing where adolescents get marijuana is useful for targeting specific prevention messages to specific groups.
Read Addictive Behaviors abstract here.