USA: Cannabis tax suspended to help compete with drug dealers

By December 5, 2021 Recent News

How’s that wonderful promise of a massive marijuana tax revenue doing?
Not very well, from what we can see in San Francisco. The city has now suspended cannabis tax to help dispensaries compete with drug dealers.

“the suspension is intended to help out legal cannabis retailers who are trying to compete with illegal drug dealers and a spike in theft.”

Remember that massive marijuana tax revenue was one of the promises of the NZ Drug Foundation, the Green Party, and pro-cannabis advocates in the 2020 referendum.

So, as we suspected all along, the legal dope market simply can’t compete with the illegal market – illegal drug dealers provide a stronger product at a cheaper price. Legal dope shops are also a target for left (another outcome that we predicted).

The claimed benefits of legalisation simply don’t match reality.

Read full story here: