We’ve always argued that the real agenda in the drug debate is a global commodity market for all drugs – i.e. creating a drug-friendly culture. And that the strategy has been well known – first medicinal, then decriminalisation, then legalisation, then legalise all drugs. This has been the strategy of groups like NORML and the Drug Policy Alliance since day one
“The key to it [legalising marijuana for recreational use] is to have 100s of thousands of people using it ‘medically’ under medical supervision, the whole scam is going to be blown. Once there is medical access and we do what we continually have to do, and we will, then we will get full legalisation.”
Richard Cowen, former Director of NORML (National Organisation for Reform of Marijuana Laws), 1993
“The best answer is to move slowly but firmly to dismantle the edifice of enforcement. Start with the possession and sale of cannabis and amphetamines, and experiment with different strategies. Move on to hard drugs, sold through licensed outlets.”
Ethan Nadelmann – Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) The Economist (July 26, 2001)
This has now been taken up by the Global Commission on Drug Policy – of which former PM Helen Clark is a member. It has a flawed approach to drug use in our society, and is more focused on the rights of individuals to live in a drug-friendly society than it is in the welfare, safety and health of the community. The GCDP wants to legalise all drug use, and wants policies based on ‘human rights’ and which remove the ‘stigmatisation’ and ‘marginalisation’ of people who use drugs.
If you want to see the gradual progression of this master plan, look no further than the messaging of the Drug Policy Alliance’s ally in New Zealand – the taxpayer-funded Drug Foundation.
Here’s the timeline:
“Let’s be clear on this,” said Mr Bell. “This is not a backdoor for decriminalisation of cannabis, these are entirely separate issues. We are only interested in providing a compassionate form of pain relief for thousands of New Zealanders.”
Drug Foundation backs medical cannabis – Drug Foundation Media Release (2006)
“Mr Bell dismissed as ridiculous a newspaper report that the symposium has a secret agenda of pushing for drug legalisation… We’re quite open about our agenda which is to promote health-based drug policy and law, and not to create a Trojan Horse for decriminalisation.”
Drug policy symposium an unprecedented event – Drug Foundation Media Release (2009)
“The Government cannot shy away from this report. It is not a manifesto for the decriminalisation or legalisation of drugs, as some might suggest. Nor does it accept that the status quo should be maintained.” (Responding to the Law Commission’s recommendations for reforming the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975)
Review drags drug law into 21st Century – Drug Foundation Media Release (2011)
“Decriminalisation does not mean a free-for-all and it does not mean that we’re soft on drugs, it means that we’re facing up to the problem and tackling it head on… A health focus has been proven to work overseas. Thirty countries have decriminalised, 17 US states have decriminalised…” Mr Bell said the debate around cannabis, decriminalisation and its health effects, needed to continue.
NZ ready for healthy drug law – Drug Foundation Media Release (2013)
Do you support decriminalisation of the possession of a small amount of cannabis, or do you feel the law should stay as it is? [Note: no questions around legalisation]
Drug Foundation Survey – Nov 2013
(Interestingly, the media statement referenced above says that only 46.4% of New Zealanders aged 16–64 have used cannabis at least once in their lifetime – similar to NZIER research. All the pro-drug groups now keep quoting 80%, which seems to suit their narrative better. Wonder why? (rhetorical question)
Our model drug law proposes:
Removing criminal penalties for the possession, use and social supply of all drugs
Developing a strictly regulated cannabis market
Drug Foundation – July 2017
This of course includes advising drug users (including students) how to use meth ‘discreetly’ and ‘safely’ and synthetic cannabis, and drug testing (not of employees to ensure they’re not a health and safety risk at work, but for party goers so they can take drugs at musical festivals.)
Ironically, in 2011, the Drug Foundation said in their media release that they wanted:
– introduction of a Police cautioning scheme for low level offending, such as simple possession, combined with diversion to health information and addiction treatment services
– balancing law enforcement and health activities, requiring greater investment into harm prevention, education, and addiction treatment services.
…but not decriminalisation or legalisation. Exactly what we have been asking for!
You have been warned. The writing is on the wall. It’s all part of a global plan to normalise drugs.
Don’t buy it.
Vote NO.